
Family Court of Western Australia judgments

The Court publishes selected judgments online in a decisions database:

Selected Judgments of the Family Court of Western Australia

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia judgments

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia judgments are available on the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia website.

Information about judgments

A judgment is the judge's decision on the matters before the Court. A judgment outlines the facts of the case, discusses the evidence and refers to the legislation and case law the decision is based upon. The amount of detail varies with each judgment.

Reading the judgments relating to your type of matter will give you a guide to the issues the Judge will need to take into account and the law applicable to your case.

Judgments published on this website have been anonymised by substituting pseudonyms for party names and, where appropriate, by editing information that would allow parties to be identified.

Judgments may be delivered orally at the end of the trial (ex tempore) or the decision may be reserved and presented formally in a written document at a later date.

Case Management Guideline 29 confirms that judgments will normally be delivered no later than 3 months from the date on which they were reserved

If a party wishes to enquire about a delay in the delivery of a judgment, the request should be made in writing, or by email, addressed to the Complaints Officer, and it will be referred to the Chief Judge, or Principal Registrar, as appropriate.

Pursuant to Case Management Guideline 55, a copy of any such request must be provided to the other party, or their lawyer, and the request should show this has been done.

An enquiry relating to a judgment delivery should not be filed, lodged or uploaded onto a Family Court file through the eCourts Portal of WA. It will not be responded to, and will be removed from the file.

News Item:

On 7th June 2018 the former Chief Judge delivered judgment in the matter of Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Cockman.

Last updated: 24-Sep-2024

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