This page provides an overview of how your application for property and financial orders will be dealt with.
Note: If your application is for spousal or de facto maintenance orders only, there is a different process.
The first step in the process is to attend a procedural hearing.
The purpose of the hearing is to identify the key issues in your case and determine the best way to proceed. The Judicial Officer will assess whether you have complied with the pre-action procedures, and make procedural orders to help your dispute proceed to the next stage.
If your case involves both parenting and property and financial orders the Judicial Officer will make orders on how the matter will be managed.
If the parties reach an agreement the Judicial Officer can make final orders.
See the procedural/directions hearing page for details.
A Conciliation Conference is used to encourage parties to find a solution to their financial dispute.
You are expected to make a genuine effort to settle your dispute at the Conciliation Conference. You should adopt a practical approach and try to understand the other party's position.
A Conciliation Conference is run by a Registrar who looks at the case from both sides and can help you explore solutions to your dispute.
If you reach an agreement, orders will be made. Otherwise the matter will be placed on the defended list to await the allocation of a readiness hearing. While you are awaiting a readiness hearing, you can continue to try reach an agreement.
See the conciliation conference page for details.
The next step in proceedings is to prepare for trial. Remember that you can come to an agreement with the other party and file a minute of consent orders at any time before the final orders are made.
Remember that any document you receive from the other party during the Court process can only be used for the purpose of the case. You must not otherwise disclose the contents of the document, or give a copy of it, to any other person without the Court’s permission.
Last updated: 27-Sep-2023
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